Butlin’s was a brand that the Great British public had a lot of latent affinity for. But as a brand, it’d lost its way. And it didn’t really stand for anything. Until we reignited the flame of purpose. And their purpose is and always has been about entertainment and fun.
And When it comes to fun, there’s no counting the calories.
And no recommended daily intakes.
You can have it all.
Have it large.
Have it all day. And all night long.
At Butlin’s, there’s no off switch.
Just full-on-fun. Dialled up to 11.
Helter-skelter, wack-a-mole belter and coconut shy pelter.
Because you’re here for a good time, not a long time.
So be a fun sponge.
Soak it all up.
Bathe in the pools of a 1000 big splashes.
Jump in.
Feet first.
Ask questions later.
This is no place for putting your feet up.
Or sitting passively by…
This is the home of getting stuck in.
Being a have-a-go hero.
So eat, drink any be merry-go-round.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Go big.
Then go home.
Knowing that you rode it until the wheels came off.
This is the basis of the 360 ‘Ready to Butlin’s?’ platform idea that we devised.
It is the brand’s most successful campaign to date - encompassing AV, Radio, E-mail, all of their literature, internal comms, resort signage and even their hold music.
The campaign was such a crowd pleaser, that they had to take it off air, as they were fully booked for the year within weeks of the Christmas Day launch.